Jen Jones

Completed courses

Try SQL, SQL, Codeschool (online)

Try Docker, Docker introduction, Codeschool (online)

Gives a good introduction to the basics of Docker. How to use images to build Docker containers and configure the images with Dockerfiles in the command line. The next step is to build a Node App with Postgres and Docker.

Flying Through Python, Python, Codeschool (online)

One of the things I find really useful about Codeschool is the screencasts that you can follow and work through once you have completed the courses. Each one is roughly an hour long and works through a project so you can consolidate all the knowledge that you just learnt in a useful way. The Python one was no exception and within a couple of hours I had built a Weather Forecast Mailer, which can be viewed on my GitHub account.

Front-End Foundations, HTML and CSS, Codeschool (online)

Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python), Python, University of Michigan, coursera (online)

This course was a great introduction to python with the view to working with data. It was based on the book "Python for Everybody" by Charles Severance, which I am reading to continue my learning. Afterwards I intend to read the book on which it is based, "Think Python" by Allen Downey.

JavaScript Road Trip - Part 2, JavaScript, Codeschool (online)

JavaScript Road Trip - Part 1, JavaScript, Codeschool (online)

Flying Through Python - Try Python, Python, Codeschool (online)

Introduction to R for Data Science, R, Purdue University, FutureLearn (online)