Jen Jones

I am a junior developer digging into new skills and learning each day. I am currently developing my python skills and making websites using JavaScript and HTML/CSS and playing with my new toy - a Raspberry Pi. While I am not on my computer I love spending time in the outdoors climbing, surrounded by mountains and wildlife.

Test Driven Development - Unit Tests

Some time ago I was working through ‘Test-Driven Development with Python’ by Harry Percival with the intention of writing up how I got on as I went. As often happens, work and life got in the way of writing, so sometime later I am recommencing my quest.

Photo from Chapter 3 of the book

After having created a failing first minimum viable functional test for a to-do list in Test Driven Development - Meeting the Testing Goat the next step is to create a Django app and to start on unit tests.

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Test Driven Development - Meeting the Testing Goat

As part of my job I implement features and fix bugs for a web application involving a session booking system (that I find very confusing!) with various login access levels and specifications.

A mountain goat in Canada

As many programmers will have found before me, projects quickly become warrens. Fixing one thing illuminates further issues and breaks other parts of the code. Before you know it you are in a complicated web of despair. It quickly became clear how important test-driven development (TDD) is, especially as projects grow and become more complex as my one has.

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