Jen Jones

I am a junior developer digging into new skills and learning each day. I am currently developing my python skills and making websites using JavaScript and HTML/CSS and playing with my new toy - a Raspberry Pi. While I am not on my computer I love spending time in the outdoors climbing, surrounded by mountains and wildlife.

Creating a website contact page part 2 - simple HTTP request example

In part 1 of ‘Creating a website contact page’ I discovered that in order to submit the information entered in the contact form, stored on Amazon S3, I need to create a different server to handle POST requests

The second in my series of HTTP request articles walks through how to build a very simple example of an HTTP request to get a better understanding of how they work.

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Creating a website contact page part 1 - basic HTTP requests

Recently, I used HTML and CSS to build a contact form for a website, which I then hosted on AWS using Amazon S3. However, when the form was filled in and the submit button pressed, the information entered stayed put and an error message appeared. So… what is going on?

The answer to this problem lies in understanding HTTP requests and more specifically how S3 deals with them.

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