Jen Jones

I am a junior developer digging into new skills and learning each day. I am currently developing my python skills and making websites using JavaScript and HTML/CSS and playing with my new toy - a Raspberry Pi. While I am not on my computer I love spending time in the outdoors climbing, surrounded by mountains and wildlife.

Raspberry Pi adventure day part 2 - creating & transferring my site

Last week I got a gift in the post. I love getting post, regardless of how underwhelming the content but this was extremely exciting - I opened this jiffy to find a Raspberry Pi Zero!

In part 2 I describe how I used Jekyll to produce HTML and CSS files from my GitHub Pages markdown files and then transferred the files onto the Raspberry Pi to view my website.

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Raspberry Pi adventure day part 1 - setting up

Last week I got a gift in the post. I love getting post, regardless of how underwhelming the content but this was extremely exciting - I opened this jiffy to find a Raspberry Pi Zero!

Sunday 4 March 2018 was the day I plugged it in and turned it on.

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